Angular MVC Architecture: Angular App

MVC Architecture  Model View Controller or MVC architecture is one of the design patterns used in the development of web applications. The MVC design pattern separates model, view and controller.  Model  It supports application data management. Model receives requests from view and instructions from controller and then updates itself accordingly.   View  View is a user… Continue reading Angular MVC Architecture: Angular App

Android MVP Architecture: Android App

When you start learning coding to be a software developer, website developer, Android or iOS developer, your coding journey begins with simple programs for adding or subtracting two numbers, leap year, fibonacci series and then you move onto some small real world applications such as banking application with the three basic operations for balance enquiry,… Continue reading Android MVP Architecture: Android App

A Simple Guide to Basic GIT Commands

Ada Lovelace, a young visionary mathematician wrote the first computer program for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers. She predicted that by representing data into numbers, machines (modern computers) could produce graphics,  compose music and be useful to science. What she predicted more than 150 years ago is actually happening.… Continue reading A Simple Guide to Basic GIT Commands

Learn Website Speed Optimization Using PageSpeed Insights Tool

Have you ever thought, what is the purpose of exhausting 4-5 hours daily on killer SEO strategies if the website’s loading speed is poorly optimized? Probably NOTHING! When someone is paying for good internet speed, they expect a flawless experience of surfing. If the text and multimedia are taking too much time to load or… Continue reading Learn Website Speed Optimization Using PageSpeed Insights Tool